How much do you tip a charter boat crew?

According to the Mediterranean Association of Yacht Brokers (MYBA) tipping guidelines, the general rule is to tip between 10% and 15% of the weekly charter rate, excluding expenses of In general, brokers recommend tipping between 5 and 20 percent of the base rate, depending on the yacht and location. It's usually toward the lower end of that scale in the Mediterranean and higher in the U.S. UU and the Caribbean. There is no manual for tipping yacht charter captains for beginners; therefore, no specific sum is set for that purpose.

However, there is a widespread custom of tipping the captain of 5 to 20% of the yacht charter rate, but as stated above, there is no manual to guide you. If you had to book a lodge for the night, you wouldn't tip managers more than half of the hotel bill, except, of course, for some extraordinary event. That also applies to tipping a charter captain, there is no specific percentage for tipping, but a reasonable man would be wise to keep 10%-20% of the total yacht fare as a tip. For common use and reason, a good charter tip falls between 10 and 20% of the value of a charter; the price of a charter is not the standard, but simply a criterion for tipping.

Here are our customizable guidelines for tipping a yacht charter. Because tips felt so ambiguous on this private yacht vacation, some travelers gave a 5% tip, while other charterers gave more than 25% tips for yachts regulated by the Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association. According to the MYBA, tips for yachts should cost between 5% and 15%. You'll tip the captain directly, either in cash, check or even via bank transfer if you don't want to carry a substantial amount of cash during your vacation.

Often, you can turn to your charter agent to transfer the tip to the captain. It's good to look at customs for tips in the specific country where you rent a boat with a captain. Also, while asking crew members about the tip tag can create uncomfortable situations, discussing it with the captain is perfectly fine. In fact, it's always a good idea to check the plan and expenses with the captain before the trip.

And yes, it's a good opportunity to discuss proper tipping etiquette. Usually, if the service was OK, people leave between 5 and 10% of the total price as a tip, but the more effort they put in and the better quality of service, the right tip can go up to 20%. If you have further questions about how to tip the captain of your charter boat, consult your charter agent, who should be able to advise you.

charter fishing
Minnie Kendricks
Minnie Kendricks

Infuriatingly humble beer geek. Total coffee evangelist. Avid music geek. Lifelong coffee junkie. Subtly charming travel evangelist.